Kilamanjaro is one of a litter of seven mixed breed puppies,
THE most gorgeous puppies you will ever lay your eyes on . Each one is different. We are
guessing they are Lab / Bernese Mountain Dog mixes but we really have no idea. Their mother Maddie, a Lab mix, can be seen on our web site. Mother Maddie came into our care New Years Day and entered her foster home midway through her pregnancy - the pups were born in foster care on February 7th. These puppies could grow up to be anywhere from 70 to 100+ pounds.
Kilamanjaro is just the cutest puppy - tan with white and black markings. He has a thick fuzzy double coat, tan on top and a pretty hue of grey underneath. He is a big pup - the second biggest in his litter. He very sensitive, affectionate, playful and relaxed. A true gentle giant - he will grow to be a big fuzzy dog. He often sleeps on his back with all four cute paws in the air.
All the babies are loving and playful, and currently being socialized in foster care with dogs, cats and people. The pups have received their first puppy shot and have been dewormed. Their spay/neuter is included in the adoption fee, and they will be done at approximately 5-6 months of age.
Please note: Because PRM does home visits for all of our adoptions, we can only adopt within a 30-minute driving distance.
Puppies require a lot of time, training and patience. If you would like to meet KILAMANJARO, or for more information,
please click here to email hIS contacts or cut and paste this email address:
[email protected].
Click here to read our adoption policies and complete our online adoption application.
Pet Rescue of Mercer is in need of dedicated volunteers!
- Foster Parenting
- Transporters/handlers of shelter/foster dogs for our PetsMart adoption days!
- Administrative work
- Fundraising
If you are interested in volunteering, please have a look at our site and fill out our online application at:
We look forward to working with you! |