My Story
Owner Surrender
LOCATED: Southgate
We do require a completed dog adoption application if interested in adoption
It can be found online at
We do want someone with herding dog experience
The vetting records will be released by owner - waiting to hear if vaccines are good till 2026,
What is your time frame for needing this pet rehomed ? ASAP
How long have you owned this animal?7 years
Are you the original owner? Yes
Why are you listing this animal with us? Dog is not good with children and I have two grandbabies on the way.
The Animal's name: Jasper
Breed of animal: Shepherd, Australian
Date of Birth:
Or how long you have had him:7 years
Neutered: yes
When was the animal last vaccinated? 2023-07-12
Can you provide us with a copy of the vet records?yes
Color: Red and white
Coat length: Medium
Description of markings: Blue eye and Brown eye
Weight: 28 kgs
Are there any health problems? Needs to loss a few pounds
Energy level ? 4
Any physical special needs ?- blind- deaf- 3 limbs etc?no
Any medical special needs ?none
Yes-House Pet YES- House trained No-never had any issues with training
Never -had house had training errors, so I did not have to punish him.
Never used a crate. He is fine at home by himself, just naps. Dog has never chewed anything or got into garbage. He takes treats from hand very gentle and do not beg at table. I will have to check about shots, I believe they are for 3 years.
Never lived with children. He has been around my 3 year old granddaughter, when in his face he has raised his top lip, showing aggression. He is fine with kids from a distance or on a leash. No reaction. Strangers on a walk he is fine, at the door he will bark.
We use to own a cat, not much of a reaction either way. Other dogs- he has to be slowly introduced. I have a new poodle, took them for walks outside a few times to get them use to each other. My daughter has large dogs which he loves. when on a leash he
is fine with dogs . He do not care if dogs take his toys or food but strange dogs that comes onto property, he will chase off. He has nipped at small dogs if they tease him to much . He has never chased cars or trucks or people or horse and buggies. To lazy.
Lol He love car rides. He has been around big pigs and chickens, he only tries to herd them. He is the best house dog I have ever owed for behaviour in the home, he just does not like small children getting in his face or dogs he him. As for outdoors
we can leave for hours and he will not leave the property and we live by a road.
Does the animal dig holes?No
Does it try and get over or under fences?No
Is the pet protective of fence space? He does bark at animals that come on our land. Which was a good thing.He will just run towards them until they get off.
Is the pet an excessive barker? No or just alerting to things? Yes, just lets us know when someone is coming to door.
Would you say your pet is a stable, well mannered, pet ?yes
-or a bit rough around the edges :needing additional basic training needs? trained
Personality/ reaction- with those it knows? friendly
Personality/ reaction- with strangers ? May bark, may need to warm up to them.
Has the animal ever shown/ possession/ aggression/ reactivity to anyone or anything? Children he shows fear, curled his lip showing teeth.
Has the animal ever bitten in the past? no
Are there any behavioral problems? If yes what are they ? Just the small children. I would not 100 percent trust him.
Is there any separation issues?none
Are there any fears? Gun fire and thunder
-to what and how does the pet react? Goes in room, or close to owner
Are there any possession issues with food/ toys/ space towards people/ kids or other pets ? none,do not care what animal eats his food
Where is the animal kept during the day?inside/outside. He will not leave property
Where is it kept at night?Inside, sleeps in our room on floor.
How long is this animal generally left alone in a day? 3-5 hours
Is it ever kept outside, and if so, for how long? 2-3 hours all day if he got husbands company
Is it used to being chained or kenneled or running free? Free,he do not roam
Have you ever boarded the animal or had a pet sitter out of your home environment?no
What is the animal being fed? Hills Science Diet, which I can provide 2 large bags
Is it free fed?no
How much per day? 1 cup twice a day
Is it used to bottled water?any water
Please provide this pets current routine:
He is lazy unless you want to play with him, in the morning he gets feed, then he goes outside for a few hours. Then we walk him for about 15 mins in the evening, then he hangs out with my husband in the shop until evening when he get feed again.
The best home for this pet would be :
A farm or someone with lots of property. I am on 10 acres and he will not bother farm animals. The best place for him would be a farm or with a family with grown children. He do not leave the property so he will not have to be trained. He is use to other dogs but sometimes needs warming up to them. He plays well with them and do not care if they take his toys or food. He is a really good dog just for some reason he do not like small children. Please help us find him a perfect him.