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Meet Honey. She is a 2 year old lab/pit mix looking for her forever home. Her background history is unknown since she is an unclaimed stray. She is a happy and active girl. She is potty trained, knows sit, and does well in her kennel. She loves to play fetch/ball. She has a sweet energetic personality and loves to play. If you are interested in meeting Honey, contact the shelter to set up a meet and greet.
Honey can be adopted for $250. Contact the shelter at 920-835-1738 or email [email protected] to set up an appointment to adopt.
**MEET AND GREETS ALWAYS REQUIRED with any dogs currently in the home.**
DOGS: Prefers male dogs. Meet & greet required.
CATS: Still to be determined.
KIDS: Still to be determined.
OAHS is able to accommodate same day adoptions. The adoptions are based on a first-come basis providing it is a good match for everyone involved.
The first step in the adoption process is to complete our adoption questionnaire to ensure we can help find the right fit for you. An adoption interview is required prior to adoption. An Adoption Counselor will ask about your residence, family members and pet experience. The Adoption Counselor will also address any concerns and answer any questions that you may have about adding a new pet to your family.
OAHS is State of Wisconsin licensed and inspected: 268244-DS.
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