Honey is a 4 month old, 22 lb female Great Pyrenees/Labrador Retriever mix.
Honey is currently located in South Texas and will be transported.
Honey is as sweet as her name, and a very lucky dog to boot. She and her mom (Hope) and sister were rescued in absolutely terrible shape, and unfortunately her sister didn't survive. But Honey is a fighter and a survivor, and she and her mom have flourished in their foster home as they recover together. Honey is a sweet and gentle pup who enjoys playtime and belly rubs. She loves playing tug of war, and favors rope toys and balls (must be the Lab in her!). Although she is a mix of larger breeds, Honey's growth was likely stunted in early puppyhood so she won't grow as big as she might otherwise have, but it doesn't bother this sweet girl at all. She loves to munch on any treat offered to her and this love of treats makes her very trainable. Honey is crate and potty trained, and enjoys walks with her mom around the neighborhood. Honey also enjoys playtime with the resident dogs, and zooming around the backyard while on squirrel patrol. She has tried to befriend the neighbor's cat but kitty is not a fan of this lanky beauty, but that doesn't stop Honey from trying. Honey's foster family has children and she enjoys cuddle time with the kids. This hazel-eyed beauty is a true sweetheart and is curious and accepting of all - the more love the better! After all that Honey has been through, she deserves a great home of her own where she is loved and cherished and can be a beloved family member.
Our organization only adopts within the United States.
Faith and Hope is a multi-state rescue with locations in Texas, Washington, Oregon, Maryland, and Connecticut. All dogs and cats are rescued from the state of Texas to be transported to Washington, Oregon, Connecticut and Maryland with placement in their adoptive family’s homes. Our $700 adoption fee includes all core vaccinations (DHPP, rabies) spay/neuter, microchip and transportation)
If interested in learning more, please email us at
[email protected] or fill out our online application.
If interested in learning more about our adoptable pets or our home based foster program, please contact us at the email above.
Due to the number of requests for information that we receive on our adoptable pets, please be advised that all adoption applications are processed in the order received. Once we send you an application, your place in line is not reserved until your application is returned to us.