Fitz is a 4 month old, 29 lb male Australian Shepherd/mix.
Fitz is currently located in South Texas and will be transported.
This little baby with the pretty eyes is Fitz. All the pups in this litter have unusual eye coloring, thanks to Mom's Aussie background, and Fitz has one of the prettiest. Little Fitz is the quiet guy in the bunch, so while the others are romping and wrestling, Fitz is more inclined to go off and do a little solo exploring. After he has satisfied his curiosity, he will run to his foster parents and get his cuddles and belly rubs in. He is a sweet boy who loves to give shy little kisses. He is observant but respectful of the resident kitties. His calm demeanor and sweet nature will make him a wonderful companion. Fitz is an outdoorsy little guy and spends most of the day outside with his mom and brother, but he also spends time indoors and has learned appropriate indoor dog behavior and is potty trained. No doubt he will love to go exploring on walks once he's a little older. Fitz may be a little on the quiet side, but he has a lot of love to give and would relish a home with his own family to love and guide him on his goal to be the best puppy ever!
Our organization only adopts within the United States.
Faith and Hope is a multi-state rescue with locations in Texas, Washington, Oregon, Maryland, and Connecticut. All dogs and cats are rescued from the state of Texas to be transported to Washington, Oregon, Connecticut and Maryland with placement in their adoptive family’s homes. Our $500 adoption fee includes all core vaccinations (DHPP, rabies) spay/neuter, microchip and transportation)
If interested in learning more, please email us at
[email protected] or fill out our online application.
If interested in learning more about our adoptable pets, the adoption process, or our home based foster program, please contact us at the above email.
Due to the number of requests that we receive on our adoptable pets, please be advised that all adoption applications are processed in the order received. Once we send you an application, your place in line is not reserved until your application is returned to us.