Hi my name is Annabell Grace and I'm a two and half year old teeny tiny 45 lb. american pit bull mix.
I was trapped in a field with my sister and taken to the scary shelter. I was a nervous nelly in the shelter and am so glad this nice rescue came and got me. I am loving my new life outside the shelter in my foster home!
My days are spent lounging on the couch, I am a couch potato and proud of it! I do not like to be confined in small spaces so I also enjoy the free roam of my home when my humans are not home. I like to carry toys and pull around my blankets to my special spot until I am ready to use them, foster mom says it's soooo cute. I'm still learning what fetch and playing are, my idea of playing is carrying my stuffie around and then ripping it up. I don't eat the insides because that is disgusting, but it's fun to rip them up!
I'm not an overly social butterfly and will need slow and appropriate introductions to any doggy pals. I did not like my foster sibling at fist, but with time and proper introductions we are best friends now!
My ideal home is patient with me, I am timid and shy at first, but will warm up. I am happy to see you when you get home, but also enjoy my space. I like to be around you and know where you are, I have a fear of missing out. I like to sit next to you on the couch and will greet you with kisses in the mornings.
Adoption fee: $150 which includes her spay, microchip, and vaccines! TO ADOPT PLEASE APPLY ONLINE amtrescue.org
Please send photos of your home to
[email protected] to expedite your application. If you rent, please include your landlord's contact information or email over your pet policy! Once we receive your application, home photos, and pet policy if applicable an adoption coordinator will reach out to you within the next 72 hrs to set up a meet and greet.
Please ONLY APPLY if you are ready to commit to adoption. Please read the bio before sending an application - we answer all we know about the animal here. If the question is not answered in the bio please send emails to
[email protected] All Dogs/ Puppies/ Cat/ Kittens are up to date on everything as far as vaccines Spay/Neuter and Flea/Heartworm Prevention.
If you are meeting a puppy or kitten that is not ready for adoption, we offer a foster to adopt arrangement. Adoption fee -Along with daily care costs, the adoption fees help Another Man's Treasure Rescue cover vet bills and cover the cost of their operations to rescue more animals in need. Thank you for completing the application.
**Our companions MUST live in your home as part of your family. **We do adopt out of state, but do not provide transportation. Please visit our website www.amtrescue.org to learn more about this amazing pet and to see other available dogs and cats!